Monday, November 14, 2011

Cardboard testimonies...Do you have one?

     In church on Sunday, a good friend Pastor Sid preached.  He always has an uplifting, and encouraging message to share with the body of believers.  During the course of the sermon, he had us all watch a video entitled, "Cardboard testimonies".  In a day and time, when we are all exposed to the sad plight of so many who have come to the place of relying upon a cardboard sign to make their plea for help heard.  This video takes that idea, and turns it on it's head.
      It uses the concept of taking a simple cardboard sign, and sharing with those who read it, the testimony of what God has done in their lives.  These signs, like those of the street corner herald, challenge us with their message.   Only instead of asking,; these signs shout the story not of inability, but of God's supreme ability!  Not of lack, but of provision. They shout a new reality in a world of hopelessness.
     I searched YouTube and found the video that pastor Sid showed us last Sunday.  I was also amazed to find that many churches have stumbled upon this very same idea, and  have obviously used it to present their own  fellowships with the good news of Jesus.  How He can and does change lives.  I happen to have chosen for this Blog a different video for you to watch.  Not for any other reason than  that I liked the mellow music better, and you could see the big smiles on the peoples faces clearer.  I am an easy target for a real "feel good" movie.
     But, as you watch this short video, please, please do not let the serious nature of the message be lightened by the soft music and warm fuzzies.  Let the compassion of the heart of the Father sink in to your heart, so in grateful remembrance you  too may create in your mind what YOUR cardboard testimony might say?  And if you don't have one?....let Him write it for you, in His blood, and by His grace!

1 comment:

  1. Lindo seu blog, visite o meu!
